About the Festival

The idea to hold a choral festival in Lund came about when a number of local choirs pitched the concept to Lund Municipality in autumn 2004. The festival took shape in collaboration between the municipally appointed project group, local choirs and a large number of co-organisers from Lund, Sweden and Europe.

Where could a choral festival fit better than in Lund, with its historic and thriving choral life? The goals of the festival are to strengthen Lund as a choral city by holding a biannual festival promoting choral and cultural life locally, nationally and internationally, to attract new and larger audiences to Lund, to launch new venues, to open the door for visiting ensembles, and also to provide an opportunity for Lund’s choir singers to be part of new contexts and networks.

The Lund Choral Festival aims to highlight choral singing as an art form and at the same time take advantage of the enormous presence and power choral singing has as a folk movement.


“…on my way to a free concert involving the Studentsångarna (Lund University Male Voice Choir), one of about a hundred active choirs in Lund. It is quite amazing that there are one hundred choirs in a town with 110,000 inhabitants.”  Cecilia Nebel, Sydsvenskan

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